Laughter - an expression or appearance merriment or amusement. Laughter is a good healthy way to release tension and emotions. Laughter, more often, "looks for" the funny side of life. People have cured themselves of illnesses by learning to laugh more. A hearty belly laugh is good for the soul. Watch comedies, read comical stories or books! It is the best cures for your mood.
90% of what people worry about are imaginary possibilities that never occur. We often ask " what if this happens?". "What if" is the classic statement to creating imaginary possibilities. Subconscious mind reacts to what is real or imaginary the same way. A good example is when you watch a horror movie, you know it is not real, but your subconscious mind produces a body responses if it is. So, try to think heavier in your life, do not load down with "what if" your daily life.
Some studies indicate that laughter differs depending on the person:
women tend to laugh in a more "sing - song" way, while men more often grunt or snort.
There are a few types of laughter therapies:
- Humor therapy. It is also known as therapeutic humor. Using humorous materials such as books, shows, movies or stories. This can be provided individually or in a group setting. There are some difficulties with group setting, because every person has own humor and what is funny for one part, maybe will not be funny for others. It is extremely important that the clinician would be sensitive to laugh "with" clients rather than "at" the clients.
- Clown therapy. The clowns perform for others with the use of magic, music, fun, joy and compassion, especially this therapy helps for children,- in some children the need for sedation is reduced. Other benefits include pain reduction and the increased stimulation of immune function in children. The presence of clowns tends to have a positive effect.
- Laughter therapy. A client's laughter triggers are identified such as people in their lives, that make them laugh, things from childhood, situations, movies,
- Laughter meditation. There are some similarities to traditional meditation. However, However, it is the laughter that focuses the person to concentrate on the moment. n the first stage, the person places all energy into the stretching every muscle without laughter. In the second stage, the person starts with a gradual smile, and then slowly begins to purposely belly laugh or cry, whichever occurs. In the final stage, the person abruptly stops laughing or crying, then with their eyes now closed they breathe without a sound and focus their concentration on the moment. It continues about 15 minutes.
- Laughter yoga and laughter clubs. This therapy is similar to traditional yoga. Laughter yoga is an exercise which incorporates breathing, yoga, stretching techniques along with laughter. The structured format includes several laughter exercises for a period of 30 to 45 minutes facilitated by a trained individual.
These therapies sometimes is not recommended for particular patients. While it has been argued that laughing can be good for the heart, sometimes it has actually caused a stroke or heart attack.
In conclusion, I wanted to add that many years people are seeking for long life, but I think that the best elixir of successful and long life is the laughter!
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