Being lazy does not help you accomplish a single thing in your life, from eating the correct food to exercising to having a healthy relationship.
First, what you need it is transition easily into doing what you need to do for yourself:
• see how new activities and behaviors work into your schedule
• see how certain exercises feel
• discover how new habits can be easily created to break your old habits which aren't serving you anymore.
Laziness is simply a habit – an addiction. It just became comfortable to be 'lazy'. It is the same like drinking , gambling, certain food, certain TV programs. These addictions give us comfort. Laziness is simply "sedentary addiction": the addiction of sitting inside a life which revolves around a seated spot. We get into the habit of doing something preferable than doing something that is "good for us". We like thing, which relax us, but, however, when our bigger quest is for our health, that perpetual relaxation vacation might wind up killing

Laziness could be many things:
• Disguised fear of change;
• Lack of knowing how to begin exercising or eating better;
First, don't be scared, nervous, or disappointed in yourself! Think of this stage in a new way: you are discovering how to overcome resistance - ‘You are better than your laziness!‘.
Secondly, think about what you are lazy about. Feel free to think about all yours habits.
Thirdly, think about whether you identify yourself as those habits. You should say yourself for example ‘I am coffee – drinker, or I have never exercised’.
Fourth, ask yourself if having better life is worth changing those things: changing those identifies.
Experiment for Laziness:
Here is something to try, which is easy... when you have a task or activity to do and you feel that "laziness" coming on (you know what that feels like: "I do not want to do it!!"), try doing it anyway. Mindfully that means, with all thought do the activity, and think about it. I am not suggesting that you love it; you are not supposed to love everything!
Just think about doing that task: think about the fact that you are doing it anyway, despite every cell in your body wants to go somewhere else or be doing something else, maybe even relaxing! Try not to just grumble negatively about how you hate it; just think about the task and your previous thoughts about not doing it.
Quite possibly, your mind will start calming down. You may start feeling like the task is not too bad or you may be proud of yourself for accomplishing it when you would normally put off the task!
Here is the best part... you might even discover that what you have been doing was dreaming the task - when the activity itself was not all that bad! That is a case of perception versus reality: we often perceive something to be worse than it really is. Worse yet, the "dreading" may take more time and negative thoughts than the activity itself.
That is "mindfulness": attention on what you are doing, and what you need to do, instead of the perception of it.
So, if you decide that you do not want to continue your “identifies“, which are not helping you, or your “sedentary addiction”, which are actually killing you, your life will thank you